Learning Hub

Year 4

Summer Term


This term in English, we will be developing our writing skills through looking at a variety of different texts, including a range of fiction and non-fiction. Our main text for the half term will be The Children of the Benin Kingdom. We will be continuing to practise our spellings and handwriting as well as ensuring that children know their homophones, contractions and prefix and suffixes. During Guided Reading, we will be exploring a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.


We will be beginning to learn about Fractions. We will then move on to Decimals. Your child will continue to have a rocket quiz each Friday so please ensure they are logging into Google Classroom regularly.

IMPORTANT: Multiplication Check - During the first two weeks of June, Year 4 children across    the country are tested on their multiplication knowledge. Children in Year 4 are expected to fluently know their 1-12 times tables. We practise regularly at school but would also encourage you to do as much Times Tables practice as possible at home. Times Tables Rockstars is a great programme to help with this – please use it regularly.


In Science, we will be continuing to learn about States of Matter (solids, liquids and gases) and will move on to learning about Sound.  


Our History topic for this term is The Kingdom of Benin. We will be learning about where modern-day Benin is located, exploring the way of life in the Benin Kingdom, looking at artefacts and looking at the beliefs and cultures. We will be working towards answering the key question: What caused the downfall of Benin, focusing on the British invasion of the late 19th century and its lasting legacy on West Africa.


In Computing this term, we will be learning about data collection and data logging. We will then move on to photo editing.


In Spanish, we will be learning to talk about objects around the classroom. Later in the term, we will be learning vocabulary to do with rooms and furniture in our homes.


This term in PE, we are focusing on batting and bowling skills. We will be working on these and bringing them together to play cricket.


We are continuing to deepen our understanding of our emotions and how to express them effectively. We will also be thinking about and discussing the role the media plays in our lives and how important it is not to believe everything we see online.


Year 4 have continued to enjoy refining their ukulele musical skills this year. They had the exciting opportunity to attend the Southwark Ukulele festival at the Royal National Theatre where they performed some fantastic tunes on their ukuleles with other schools across the borough.

Art and Design

This term, in Art and Design, we're learning all about Sculpture. We are linking our Art and Design learning to our History and English topics - the Kingdom of Benin. We will be using clay to create our own sculptures based on the craft and artwork and Ancient Benin.

Spring 1

Reading and Writing

This term in English, we will be developing our writing skills through looking at a variety of different texts, including a range of fiction and non-fiction. Our main text for the first few weeks will be the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis. In spelling we will be learning suffixes, prefixes and apostrophes for contractions and we will be consolidating these through handwriting (letter join). During Guided Reading, we will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction.


We will be continuing our work on multiplication and division to begin with. Then, we will learn about length and perimeter.

Times Tables – Times Tables continues to be a big focus in Year 4, with all children in the country being tested in the summer term. Children in Year 4 are expected to know their 1-12 times tables fluently.  We would therefore encourage you to do as much practise as you can with your children at home.


In Science, we will be introducing the topic of Electricity. We will be learning about where electricity comes from and electrical safety. We will also be making our own circuits!


Our topic for this term is World War II. We will be researching and exploring what happened at this time. We will be discussing and thinking about how it would feel to live at this time, including being evacuated.


In Computing, we are going to start learning how to programme! In this unit, we will be exploring how to create repetition using shapes.

Art and Design

In Art and Design this term we are developing our painting skills. We are going to practise different techniques and also start exploring colour. Our final piece will be based on the work of famous war painters and will tie into what we are learning about in History.


This term in PSHE, we are learning about media in the community. We are thinking about they ways in which the media can influence our decisions, as well as they importance of protecting personal information.


In Spanish, children are learning to talk about Ancient Britain including the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They are drawing on their previous phonics learning and it also ties in with last term's History topic.


This term, we explore lots of different religions (including Sikhism and Christianity) and think about how religious teachings inform our values and how we live our lives.



This term, we are going swimming! Children will be going to the local pool for swimming lessons. Children will also be doing outdoor adventurous activities and problem solving. 

Autumn 2

Reading and Writing

This term in English, we will be developing our writing skills through a range of fiction and non-fiction. For the first couple of weeks, we will be reading, writing and performing poetry based on the work of Joseph Coelho. Later on in the term, we will be reading Michael Morpurgo’s version of ‘Beowulf’, which ties in with our History learning this term too. These texts will also be our focus in our Whole-Class Reading lessons, where we will explore and analyse the language and techniques used by their authors.


In Maths, we will be continuing to practise our addition and subtraction (including exchanging). We will then move on to multiplication and division and will learn different techniques to help us problem-solve. We will give out homework each Friday to consolidate the skills we have learnt in Maths each week.

Times Tables are a big focus throughout Year 4 as we prepare the children for the National Multiplication Check in the summer term. Children are expected to know their 1-12 Times Tables fluently. As a result, we will continue to teach and practise Times Tables to ensure that the children feel ready and confident for the check. 


In Science, our new topic will be ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We will be exploring and using classification keys to help group living things in their respective environments. We will also be learning about the ways in which environments change, sometimes posing a risk to living things.  




Our history topic for this term is Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will be learning all about these two groups and their ways of life. We will also be exploring the Viking invasion of Anglo-Saxon Britain and the effects of this conflict.


In Computing this term, the children will be learning all about audio building towards recording their own short podcast. They will learn about audio recording and editing, adding in sound effects to create interest, and what makes a good quality audio recording.



In PE this half-term, we have two areas of focus. This first is Bench Ball in which the children will learn to pass, intercept and work as a team. The second is Social Multiskills. This involves a series of games and activities which help build the children’s communication skills and resilience as well as honing their balance, aim and agility.



In PSHE this term, the children continue to learn about looking after our physical health – this includes discussing good oral hygiene and the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. The children are also learning about what to do in the event of a 999 emergency as well as some basic first aid concepts.



In Music, we are continuing to learn to play the ukulele. The children are learning all about chords, rhythm, reading musical notes and dynamics. We are also honing our singing skills!


Art and DT

This term, in DT, the children will be designing and creating Viking longboats. Children will be thinking about what materials to use in order to create a structure as well as making artistic decisions to make sure their design is in keeping with Viking longboats at the time. This topic ties in with our History learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Please keep hold of any old recycling such as cardboard boxes and cereal boxes as we will be collecting materials to build with!


Following our learning about different religions around the world such as Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism, this term, the children will be looking at Christianity in more depth. We will be discussing the importance of the Bible and how it teaches Christians to live a good life. The children will also explore the origins of Christmas and the nativity story.



Building on our earlier Spanish phonics learning, this term we learning all about fruits and vegetables. Children take in part in a number of listening, writing, reading and speaking tasks. We are also beginning to learn about noun genders in the language.

Autumn 1

Reading and Writing

This term, the children are reading a picture book called Weslandia. The book features ambitious vocabulary and follows the story of a little boy who creates his own civilisation during the summer holidays. The children will create their own imaginary civilisations and write a non-chronological report about them. Later on, we will move onto poetry. The children will learn all about Joseph Coelho's peformance poetry and will have a go at writing and performing their own. 


In Maths, the children are deepening their understanding of Place Value. They are learning to represent, compare and order numbers up to 10,000 as well as how to flexibly partition numbers. Later on in the term, we will move onto addition and subtraction.


The children are learning all about the human body and how it functions focusing specifically on the mouth and digestive system. They will also be exploring food chains and how they are connected in the animal kingdom. In these pictures, the children are carrying out an experiment to determine the functions of different types of teeth. 


In Geography, the children are learning all about food and agriculture, linking with our English, Science, DT topics this term. We explore the way in which specific foods need to be grown in different climates and biomes. Here are some pictures of the children writing letters to the government about the importance of Fair Trade.  


In Computing this term, the children are learning all about how the internet works. They will begin to understand how networks and routers work, and how important it is to stay safe online.


This year in music, the children will be having singing and ukulele lessons. The classes have already begun and the children are having a lot of fun!

Art and DT

The children will be learning all about pizza this term. They will research the history and geography of the food, and will then design their turn. Later on this term, the children will be making their own pizzas here at school!


In RE, we are learning all about the different religions and faiths that can be found in our local community. We are focusing on Christianity and Islam as well as comparing Hinduism and Sikhism.



This term, year 4 are enjoying their multi-skills PE lessons which focus on combining agility, balance and coordination. We are also having a go at gymnastics this term and practising our balancing and rolling.





In PSHE, the children are thinking about and discussing strategies to support their own mental health. We are also discussing the importance of healthy eating and how that not only affects our bodies but also our minds. 


In Spanish this term, the children are recapping their knowledge of Spanish phonics and pronunciation. Later on, they will be moving onto learning to talk about different fruits and vegetables.