Learning Hub


We aim to establish a sporting culture that enables and encourages all children to play and enjoy sport. We have a number of after-school clubs for our pupils, offering a wide variety of sporting opportunities. We enter numerous school sport competitions to allow children to be competitive and work collaboratively.


PE Curriculum Maps – Find out what your child is learning in PE!

Indoor Activities

 At Bessemer, we use our indoor space effectively. All year groups have three half terms in which they are allocated a slot to complete PE lessons in the hall. These sessions involve gymnastics and dance. We also use the hall for visiting workshops such as yoga or competitions. Our Early Years have access to the hall all year round in order to support their gross motor skills. We have recently invested in new equipment and storage for our hall which means our gymnastics lessons are even better with the children accessing a variety of challenging and age appropriate equipment. Please look at photos from across the school of indoor PE lessons. The pictures below are arranged in age order, starting from Early Years- take a look at the progress we make!

Sports Day

Sports day is one of the highlights of our calendar at Bessemer. We love the opportunity to gather our whole school community together, get outside and get active. It's important to us that all children have opportunities for challenge and success on sports day. We invite our families in to watch, take part and have a picnic.


Each summer, we take our whole year 2 and year 3 cohorts swimming at Alleyns. There, children are split into small groups to work with the swimming instructors based on their swimming ability. We also send children who are identified as not yet having reached the national curriculum expectations from year 6.

National Curriculum objectives Percentage of year 6 children who met objectives in 2023-2024
  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]

  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Competitions in Autumn Term

Highlights of the autumn included a bowling trip, girls' football and year 2 multi-sports hosted at Bessemer. We can't wait for more trips in spring term.