Learning Hub

Year 1

Autumn One


In maths we are beginning with ‘Place Value’ through number recognition and representing numbers in various ways with different objects. We use concrete resources from our environment to deepen our understanding and ensure we are able to use learnt counting strategies and apply this to addition and subtraction within 10. 


We started this term by reading ‘The Colour Monster’. We used this book to help us understand our emotions and found some different coping strategies to help us in different situations throughout the year. We then moved on and read the story ‘Here we are’. We thought about how wonderful our world is and wrote some amazing sentences about our favourite things! In the coming weeks we will also be reading Supertato and Billy and Beast.

Science - Biology

In the first part of this term we are going to be labelling our body parts and exploring our five senses and then later on in the term we will begin our year long study of the weather and seasonal change. We will begin to track weather patterns for each month and we will be creating our own wind vane and rain gauge to further our knowledge around weather and seasons. 

Design Technology

In Design Technology our focus during Autumn 2 will be on 'structures'. We will be using our science knowledge about materials to help us design, make and evaluate our very own boats. Our boats must be able to hold three toy people without sinking! We will carry out some research to help us decide and select the best resources. 



The children will be busy on the laptops during the Autumn term. They will first learn about different kinds of technology around us and they will then label the different parts of a computer and a laptop. The children will then move on to perfecting their mouse skills and learning how to create a digital picture using 'paint'. 


This year’s art project theme is Flower Power. We have chosen to look at Claud Monet’s painting ‘Bridges’. So far, we have looked closely at water lilies and the colours Monet uses in his paintings. For our final project we are going to create our own interpretations of Monet’s bridges. We will then be looking at Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits and how she expresses her emotions through the backgrounds of her paintings. We will then make our own self-portrait master pieces in her style.


In History this term we will be talking about what life was like when our grandparents were young and how this might be the same or different to our lives now. The classroom's home area has been transformed into a home from the past including items such as an old-fashioned camera, video tapes, an old bath tub, a kettle from the past and lots of toys from the past. The children have been busy exploring all of these things!


Year One will be enjoying Music lessons carried out by a specialist music teacher. The focus will be on singing, rhythm and percussion. The children will also take part in a singing assembly every week on a Thursday afternoon. 


In PSHE the children will be exploring different emotions and learning how to understand and recognise when someone is feeling each emotion. They will then move on to think about how to keep themselves healthy and clean including the importance of; sleep, a balanced diet, oral hygiene and handwashing. They will think about and explore how some diseases are spread and can be controlled and about the responsibilities they have for their own health and that of others.


In R.E this term Year One will start by thinking about what it means to belong. They will begin to understand that people can belong to different religions and can have different beliefs. The children will then move on to exploring Hinduism.


In P.E this term the children will we focussing on throwing and catching. They will learn how to move around a space safely in different ways avoiding other children. They will use different resources such as beanbags and soft balls to practise sending and receiving skills. They will also learn how to aim at a target when throwing.

Maths Celebration Morning

Year one invited their parents into school to celebrate all of the amazing Maths they have learnt so far this term. Look at the pictures to see all of the fabulous activities they shared with the adults!

Autumn 2

History / Geography


Our topic this term is ‘Explorers’ where we will be learning about our place in the world. We will learn about our local area, our city, the UK, the continents and key explorers in history. The focus of our topic this half term will be a combination of History and Geography. We will gain an understanding of where we are within the world, locating ourselves within various contexts. In our classrooms we will be creating our own world map to help our understanding. We will also be using the story Naughty Bus to draw our own simple maps. Later in the term, we will be using the story Astro Girl to support our learning about Mae Jemison’s achievements.


This term we will be designing our own boat taking inspiration from Edward Smith and John Taylor. We will be using the knowledge gained from our science topic to help us design a boat that can float on water. 


We will start this term learning about materials; exploring and comparing their properties and uses. If you have any materials at home (wood, paper, foil, plastic etc) that you would be happy to donate to help with our learning, please bring them in! After this, we will continue our learning on weather and the seasons, this term’s focus being winter.


To follow on from last term’s learning on addition within 10, we will be covering subtraction for numbers within 10. We will be using various methods such as counting backwards on a number line and crossing out. Following this, we will be solidifying our place value knowledge on numbers up to 20. To help your children at home with our maths this term, you could try counting backwards from 10 or 20, spotting numbers on your walk to school, practising number formation from 0-20, or counting objects around the home. 


This term we will be reading Astrogirl. We will think about our dreams and aspirations and then we will make a non-fiction space booklet to help Astrogirl to learn about her dream to go to space. 


This term in R.E we will learn about Christianity. We will focus on why Christmas is important for Christians and what they do to celebrate. We will also think about what makes a good gift.


In computing this term the children will be introduced to early programming concepts. They will identify what each floor robot command does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs. Children are also introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms.



We will start this term recapping place value to 20. We will stretch our knowledge of these numbers by continuing to look at how many tens and ones are in these numbers and how this might help us when adding and taking away. Our main focus for the term will be addition and subtraction to 20. We will be using concrete materials, part- part whole models and drawing pictures to work out the answers. We will also explore problem solving and reasoning to find answers and justify them.



This term we will be looking at the stories 'Lost and Found' and 'Dinosaurs and All That Rubbish'. We will be writing letters, postcards, drawing story maps and rewriting familiar stories. We will continue to use nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in our fantastic writing.


In Science this term Year One will continue their learning about seasonal changes. They will be using our knowledge of Autumn and comparing it to the seasonal changes in Winter. The children will then begin to look at different animals and begin to identify animal types and the foods they eat.


Our Topic this term is the Polar regions where we will be investigating the Arctic and Antarctica. Our investigation will lead us on an adventure where we will learn about the Arctic and Antarctica, the life that can be found there, and how this differs from our life. We will continue to look at environments and discuss natural and human made objects in the world. We will be revisiting continents and will be exploring the oceans of our world.


In DT this term the children will be designing and making their own moving picture. They will explore different materials and ways to make their picture move. The theme for the moving pictures will be 'Antarctica' to link with our Geography topic.


In Year One this term we will be thinking about what it means to belong to Islam. The children will explore how Muslims show they belong to Islam and the celebrations they have. They will then link the idea of belonging to Islam with ideas around their own identity and feelings of belonging.


The children will be learning about people's differing opinions and views this term. They will think about how important it is to understand and respect other peoples views and opinions. They will also be able to understand about the environment and take part in a class recycling activity.


In P.E. this term Year 1's topic is 'games'. They will practise their sending and receiving skills including catching a ball while moving, sending an object into a space/target and receiving a ball without it touching the floor more than once. Different sized balls and objects will be used to provide some challenges for the children.


In computing this term, year 1 will explore the world of digital art and its exciting range of creative tools. They will then create their own paintings, while getting inspiration from a range of artists. The children will be encouraged to consider their preferences when painting with, and without, the use of digital devices.


In music this term the children will focus on their breathing, phrasing and vocal health. They will also listen out and join in with rhythm. They will learn to recognise low and high sounds on instruments and also short and long sounds. 



In maths this term the children will be focussing on multiplication and division. They will learn how to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. The children will then learn how to recognise equal groups and share into equal groups. The children will move on to make arrays and make doubles.



This term we will start by reading We’re Roaming in the Rainforest. Our focus in literacy this term is exploring suffixes (such as -ed and -ing) and plurals of nouns and verbs. Continually, we want to ensure that all children are using capital letters and full stops every single time they write. The children have already completed some amazing pieces of writing!




This term we will continue the study of weather and seasonal change and will continue to track weather patterns for each month.  We will continue to classify different animals (birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and amphibians- and look at their characteristics) and study their habitats (particularly those that live in the Amazon Rainforest).


This term the children will create prints in the style of 'Max Ernst'. They will make marks in print with a variety of objects, make rubbings, carry out different printing techniques and also build a repeating pattern and recognise pattern in the environment.


In computing this term the children will learn about 'grouping data'. They will be introduced to data and information. They will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups. They will also demonstrate that they can count a small number of objects, before and after the objects are grouped. They will aslo sort objects into different groups, based on the properties they choose. Finally, the children will use their ability to sort objects into different groups to answer questions about data.


In P.E. this term the children will be taking part in athletics. They will learn how to use a variety of different movements and speed. and develop their listening skills and quick reactions. They will learn to jump using different combinations, and to use a range of different passes when throwing and catching and have control and accuracy when throwing.