Learning Hub


For a detailed overview of each year groups' computing learning, please see the attached 'Computing Curriculum Map' and the 'Curriculum Statement' for the schools' Intent, Implementation and Impact statement.


Computing Ambassadors!

Our Computing Ambassadors have been spending the first few weeks of their new role exploring some of the physical computing kits we have at Bessemer Grange. We have been making projects, such as programming the sequence of lights (and adding siren sounds) for our model police cars using the Crumble Kits (see photos below). We also made flashing firework images as it had been Diwali and firework night and it seemed fitting!

We have also had some time learning how to program micro:bits - exploring the different inputs and outputs they have.

The ambassadors will be setting some competitions and holding an assembly in school about Online Safety in the coming term - watch this space to find out more! 

Online Safety Games

If you like playing games AND being safe online then you should check out the Computing Ambassadors' recommended Online Safety games! Just follow this link to see their suggestions!

Computing at Bessemer

Developing children's understanding of how technology works, why we use it and the different ways we can use it, is central to our computing curriculum at Bessemer. We teach children to have the understanding of the science behind the technological devices we have become accustomed to using in our every day lives, during lessons about systems, networks and programming.

From reception, children have opportunities to develop computational thinking skills through their play and during structured activities in different contexts. These skills include: working collaboratively, tinkering, creating, sequencing and identifying patterns. Children begin to program Beebots and use apps which leads into their work in KS1 where they explore algorithms and the language of instructions in further detail, and begin using Scratch junior. As they progress through the school, children learn more about writing and debugging their own programs - learning to make predictions and problem solve. They learn to use a wider range of blocks in their programming, such as selection, repetition and creating variables. Our curriculum gives them opportunities to apply these skills using different apps and hardware (such as the BBC Micro:bit and Crumble kits), with a range of creative outcomes.

Information Technology AT BESSEMER

Through discrete computing lessons, as well as across the other subject areas (Music, Art & DT, History, Geography, Science, English and Maths), we teach children digital literacy and information technology.

Children have opportunities to use a range of applications and programs to carry out tasks such as: presenting data, publishing work, designing art pieces, recording animations and videos and making music. Children learn how to use the Internet safely and discuss how we can make choices about the ways we choose technology to enhance our lives and complete tasks effectively and efficiently. We believe it is essential for children to be equipped with these skills so they can be active participants in a society where technology is ever developing, adapting and becoming increasingly widely used.

Here are some Year 5 animations of the Solar System for their Science work about Space.

In Year 6, children have been learning how to make 3D designs on Tinkercad. Here are some of their first efforts at designing a 'Desk Tidy' by adding 3D shapes and hollowing them out.